
Articles Posted in Advances in Patient Safety


AI-Enabled Wearables May Help Pharmacists Detect Medication Errors

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into healthcare continues to revolutionize patient safety, particularly in preventing medication errors. According to a recent report from TechTarget Health IT, researchers have developed an AI-enabled wearable device that monitors patients and identifies medication errors in real-time. This cutting-edge technology not only enhances patient…


Improper Prescriptions and Optimization of Medications

Medication is by far the most common method for the treatment of diseases, with between 75% to 80% of physician office and hospital outpatient clinic visits involving medication therapy. Annually, about 275,000 people die each year, and roughly $528 billion in medicine is wasted due to poorly managed medications. Doctors,…


COVID-19 Vaccines Being Distributed in Maryland

Maryland is receiving nearly 200,000 vaccine doses that will go to front-line hospital workers, first responders, and long-term care facility residents and staff in the state. Some Maryland pharmacies are receiving shipments of the vaccine to administer to nursing home residents and staff through the CDC’s Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term…


How Will Automation in Maryland Pharmacies Affect Medication Errors?

Each year, between 7,000 and 9,000 people die in the United States because of a medication error. Many more experience adverse reactions that are not reported. Maryland medication error victims often suffer from physical pain as well as psychological pain because of the error. The problem of medication errors, which…


Can a Pharmacy’s Overreliance on Technology Put Maryland Patients at Risk?

As the population increases, more people are filling prescriptions. This results in an increased burden on Maryland pharmacists. Indeed, many experts believe that this increased workload is the leading cause of pharmacy errors. To help pharmacists efficiently fill prescriptions, many pharmacies rely heavily on technology, including e-prescribing, electronic databases, and…


The Impact Technological Advancements Have on Maryland Pharmacy Errors

Over the past few years, local Maryland pharmacies have seen a gradual increase in the number of prescriptions that are filled each year. However, pharmacies have been slow to adjust the number of pharmacists with this increase in demand. As a result, pharmacists are dealing with increased workloads. For quite…


Are Partial-Fill Prescriptions an Answer to the Maryland Opioid Epidemic?

A significant number of Maryland prescription drug injuries are caused by opioid use and abuse. Over the last decade, the number of deaths that were related to opioid medications has dramatically increased from about 35,000 in 2007 to over 70,000 in 2017. In an effort to curb these stark statistics,…


New Technology Aims to Address the Danger of Prescription Errors in Maryland and throughout the United States

Prescription errors are all too common in the United States. Pharmacists and doctors are human, and like everyone else they make mistakes. Unfortunately, these errors can have devastating effects on Maryland patients. In the event of a prescription error, a patient or family member may be able to bring a…


More People Are Getting Flu Shots in Alternative Settings Across Maryland and the Rest of the US

A new study reports that flu vaccinations are occurring more frequently in alternative settings such as pharmacies, clinics, and work, as one news source reported. According to the study, patients between the ages of 18 and 64 had higher rates of early vaccination at clinics, pharmacies, and workplaces, helping to…


The Effectiveness of a New Law Absolving Negligent Pharmacists of Criminal Liability Is Questionable

Medical errors, including Maryland pharmacy errors, are commonly believed to be one of the leading causes of death in the United States. However, the actual number of pharmacy errors is up for debate because, as is the case in Maryland, most states do not require pharmacists to report the vast…

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