
Articles Posted in Common Errors


Benefits of Robo Pharmacy Technology in Reducing Prescription Errors

In a recent Maryland pharmacy error injury lawyer blog entry, our attorneys discussed automated hospital pharmacies the use robots instead of people for tasks that are traditionally manual—in an effort to eliminate medication errors that could cause patient harm or personal injury. According to the Medical Center of the University…


UCSF Employs New Automated Pharmacy to Prevent Pharmacy Error

In an effort to reduce pharmacy misfills and medication error, the Medical Center of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), has recently employed a series of pharmacy robots, according to recent technology news that our Baltimore-based pharmacy misfill attorneys have been following. In the newly automated hospital pharmacy, UCSF…


500 Unapproved Prescription Cough and Cold Medications Banned by FDA

Our Maryland-based prescription drug error attorneys have been following the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s recent announcement, ordering the makers of around 500 prescription cold, cough and allergy medications to take the drugs off the pharmacy shelves, as they have not been proven to be safe and effective. According to…


Hospital Sued for Wrongful Death After Patient Dies from Drug Error

Our Baltimore-based pharmacy error injury attorneys have been following the recent and tragic news story surrounding a Massachusetts woman, who endured a hospital medication error during a routine hospital stay that reportedly led to her wrongful death. According to the Boston Globe, Geraldine Oswald was hospitalized in November of last…


Pharmacy Misfill and Medication Error Prevention

In a recent Baltimore pharmacy error injury blog, our attorneys discussed the prevalence of pharmacy misfills and prescription drug errors plaguing our nation, with over 1.5 million injuries medication-related events documented by an Institute of Medicine study. According to a related study discussed by Good Housekeeping magazine, pharmacy errors occur…


Another Child Receives Prescription Mix-up From Same Walgreens Pharmacy

According to news from the Jersey Journal that our Baltimore, Maryland medication mistake attorneys have been following, a local Walgreens Pharmacy has made another pharmacy error, the second in six months, by erroneously filling an 18-month old child’s acetaminophen elixir medication, similar to Tylenol, with an acetaminophen product containing codeine,…


Prescription Pain Medication Error Due to Alleged Drug Theft

Our Maryland pharmacy error attorneys have been following the recent news story surrounding a prescription drug error that resulted from drug theft, leaving a man without proper pain medication management while undergoing a kidney stone surgery. According to Fox-9 News, in November of 2010, Larry King checked into Abbot Northwestern…


Keeping Accurate Health Records and Medication Lists Can Prevent Medical Errors

In a recent blog post, our Prince George’s County pharmacy error attorneys recently discussed the importance for individuals to communicate more effectively with their doctors and pharmacists, to promote the safe and effective use of drug therapy and reduce the risk of medication error. Every year, according to research by…


Study Finds Small Doses of Drugs From Syringes Could Cause Medication Error in Children

As our Baltimore County pharmacy error attorneys discussed in a recent blog, according to a recent study by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), medical errors are a leading cause of personal injury and death in this country, and rates for possible adverse drug events were three times…


FDA Reports on Fatal Morphine Oral Solution Medication Errors

According to a recent report from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that our Washington D.C. medication error lawyers have been following, a morphine solution that was approved by the administration last year, has been linked to a series of morphine overdoses and deaths due to medication error—leading federal…

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