
Articles Posted in High Alert Drugs


Voluntary Recall Announced for Certain Oral Contraceptives Due to Packaging Error

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on February 24 that Glenmark Generics USA, the North American division of Indian pharmaceutical company Glenmark Generics, Ltd., was voluntarily recalling seven lots of oral contraceptives at the consumer level. The recall is reportedly due to a packaging error, in which blisters…


Shortages of Important Drugs Give Rise to Concerns Over Safety of “Grey Market” Replacements

Shortages of certain prescription medications are nothing new to most pharmacists, hospitals, and doctors. According to the American Hospital Association, nearly 99.5 percent of U.S. hospitals reported some drug shortages in the first half of 2011, with 44 percent experiencing shortages of more than twenty drugs and 78 percent rationing…


Drug Confusion Causes Eye Injury, $1 Million Lawsuit

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an alert to pharmacists nationwide on December 28, 2011 regarding two drugs with similar-sounding names but very different uses, warning them of the risk of serious injury if one drug is accidentally substituted for the other. Durezol is an FDA-approved eye medicine…


Study Shows Further Links between DES Exposure and Cancer in Women Exposed In Utero

A study recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine has expanded on the links between diethylstilbestrol (DES) and many forms of cancer. Researchers looked at 6,500 women, 4,600 of whom received exposure to DES while in the womb. They found substantially higher risk of cancer, including breast cancer…


Safety of Electronic Medical Records Questioned After Pharmacy Error Leads to Death of Infant

A recent Chicago Tribune article, that our Baltimore pharmacy misfill injury attorneys have been following, looks closely at electronic medical record safety, after a tragic medication error occurred, stemming from a computer mistake made at the Chicago-area Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, that caused the death of a newborn infant. According…


Risperdal Recalled by Manufacturer Due to Drug Contamination

Our Talbot County, Maryland pharmacy error injury lawyer blog recently discussed a series of recalls drug maker Johnson & Johnson made last year, in an effort to maintain the health and safety of consumers—after complaints of an unusual smell causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal pain were reported, due to…


FDA Warns of Confusion between Risperdal and Requip, Leading to Medication Error

The Food and Drug Administration recently issued a warning about the potentially dangerous medication errors occurring with the drugs Risperdal (risperidone) and Requip (ropinrole)—with 226 reports of patients accidentally receiving the wrong drug, causing sickness and at least one death. Risperdal (risperidone) is an antipsychotic used for the treatment of…

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