
Articles Posted in High Alert Drugs


Man Died from Overdose of Fentanyl—Widow Sues Center for Medication Error

Last year, our Baltimore medication error attorneys reported on two cases involving alleged overdoses of the powerful pain medication Fentanyl—one blog discussed a wrongful death lawsuit, where an 68-year-old died after allegedly receiving an incorrect dosage of the potent pain killer, and another blog discussed an overdose of duragesic pain…


Study Shows Barcode eMAR Technology Can Help Reduce Medication Errors

In a recent blog, our Maryland pharmacy error injury attorneys discussed reducing medication error and patient injury with barcode electronic systems, that link barcodes on the patient’s wrist bracelet with the patient’s electronic records and prescriptions, to ensure that the medication and dosage match the prescription for the patient. According…


Reporting Children’s Medication Errors Can Help in Prevention

A recent news article reports that medication errors are among the most common mistakes made by healthcare practitioners—and also among the most under reported. In a tragic medication error from last year, a child at Seattle Children’s Hospital died from a medication error allegedly involving Calcium chloride. The hospital reported…


Drug Alert Warns Epinephrine Syringe Shortage Could Lead to Dosing Error Risks

In yesterday’s blog, our medication error attorneys discussed a recent accidental overdose of epinephrine that led to a man’s death in a hospital. According to the FDA, Epinephrine is a high alert medication that could cause significant patient harm or injury when used in error. Medication error can occur when…


Man Dies After Receiving Overdose of Drug in Hospital

Our Maryland Medication Error Attorneys have been reading about the tragic incident that happen in Maine recently, after a local man went to the emergency room with symptoms of anaphylaxis, and was given an overdose of the drug epinephrine—causing his wrongful death. After suffering an allergic reaction from eating seafood…


Pharmacy Mistake Leads to Wrongful Death—Rite Aid Faces Lawsuit

Our Maryland Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyers have been following the recent case filed last week on behalf of John Sheridan, a man who died after being prescribed the wrong dosage of a cancer medication. According to the suit, Sheridan was prescribed Temodar, a powerful drug for brain tumors that was…


Alert for Public Safety—FDA Reports Medication Error with Tamiflu

The FDA has recently published a patient safety alert, reporting medication dosage errors associated with Tamiflu, (for oral suspension), the top doctor prescribed anti-viral flu medication, administered to both adults and children. Our Maryland Pharmacy Misfill Injury Attorneys have been following this prescriber and pharmacy alert report, and how it…


MRI Scans and Drug Patches with Metal May Cause Burns

The medication error attorneys at Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers recently learned that the Food and Drug Administration has warned consumers who use medicated skin patches to remove those patches before going through a MRI scan. According to the FDA, some patches contain metal which may heat up during…


Nationwide, Medication Errors Put Millions in Danger

According to the National Coordinating Counsel for Medication Error Reporting and Prevention (NCC MERP), medication errors kill more Americans annually, than work place accidents. Maryland lawyers who pursue prescription error cases recognize the financial and human impact that errantly filled prescriptions have on the citizens of this state. Pharmacy negligence…


Maryland Patients Face Dangers Caused by Prescription Abbreviations

It is clear that patients are put in danger by simple things such as penmanship and the use of inconsistent abbreviations. This must change. Maryland pharmacy negligence attorneys work with clients to hold negligent pharmacist responsible for the injuries that they cause across the state. Your doctor hands you a…

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