
Articles Posted in Hospital Pharmacy Errors


Hospital Discharge Is a Crucial Point When Medication Errors Are Often Overlooked

When someone is admitted to the hospital, they generally have a dedicated team of doctors and nurses attending to their every need. Hospital staff is in charge of writing prescriptions, filling them, and then administering the medication to the patient. However, the transitional period following a patient’s discharge from the…


New Study Shows Post-Op Medication Errors More Common than Previously Thought

Earlier last month, a new study was released that claims post-operation medication errors can occur in as many as one in every two patients. According to one local news source that covered the new study, the study was performed at Massachusetts General Hospital and looked at roughly 275 surgeries. The…


Medication Error Results in $12.2 Million Verdict

Earlier this month in Oregon, a jury awarded a man’s personal representative $12.2 million for the man’s injuries, which included severe brain damage after he was administered a dose that was 15 times stronger than prescribed. According to one local news report, the alleged medical malpractice took place back in 2011,…


One Hospital Steps Up Safety Efforts After Fatal Prescription Error

Earlier this month, a local Canadian news source published an article about a hospital that admittedly provided substandard medical care to a patient but has since made serious efforts to provide better care. According to the report, the efforts were in response to the death of an 85-year-old patient who…


Numerous Errors Made in VA Pharmacies, Yet Little Discipline Seen

The VA is getting some heat for the negligent filling of veterans’ prescriptions. According to a recent report by the Washington Times, one VA employee was terminated from his employment and in response filed an appeal, claiming that any errors he may have made were made by others in the…


Hospitals Beginning to Place Pharmacists in the Emergency Room to Cut Down on Medication Errors

At the Children’s Medical Center in Dallas, Texas, 10 full-time pharmacists have been brought on to the staff to help combat medication errors in the emergency room. According to a recent report by NPR, the hospital views the addition of the pharmacists as a vital safety net. As one emergency…

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