
Filing a Maryland Pharmacy Injury Claim After Being Provided the Incorrect Dosage

Medication errors can occur at many different steps in the process of prescribing and dispensing medication. One point at which an error can occur is in providing the correct dosage according to the prescription. A dosage that is too strong or too weak can have serious and lasting effects on a patient. In the event of an incorrect, a patient can file a Maryland pharmacy injury claim against those responsible for the error. In a negligence suit, the patient would have to prove that the defendant in the lawsuit owed the plaintiff a duty of care, the defendant failed to meet that duty by wrongfully acting or failing to act, the plaintiff was injured as a result, and the defendant’s wrongful acts caused the plaintiff’s injuries. In a civil claim, the plaintiff must prove each of the elements by a preponderance of the evidence standard.

Providers and insurers may argue that a patient has not shown that the injuries were caused by the medication error rather than some other condition. This is why experts are often needed in such cases and a lot of investigation is required for these claims. In a successful pharmacy error claim, a victim may be able to recover financial compensation for the damages the plaintiff suffered. These damages may include medical expenses (past and future), physical therapy, transportation costs, lost wages, and physical and emotional suffering.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Maryland Negligence Cases?

All claims are subject to a statute of limitations, meaning a time limit for filing a claim. Generally, a negligence claim in Maryland is subject to a three-year statute of limitations. In any case, consulting with an experienced Maryland injury attorney about a potential case as soon as possible is advisable.

Four-Year-Old Given Wrong Dosage for Heart Condition

According to a recent news report, a four-year-old girl received the wrong dosage for six months for her heart condition, according to the girl’s mother. The mother said that the girl had ventricular tachycardia, a condition that caused the girl’s heart to beat quickly and that can lead to cardiac arrest and death. The girl was prescribed Flecainide, a medication that slowed her heartbeat. But the pharmacy gave the daughter half the dosage that was prescribed. After several trips to the hospital, someone finally caught the error. The mother was told that a software issue led to the error. The mother said that her daughter was stable but worried about the long-term effects on her daughter’s health.

Contact a Maryland Pharmacy Injury Lawyer for Immediate Assistance

If you or a loved one has been injured due to a Maryland pharmacy error, contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Attorneys that have experience with such cases can examine the relevant medical information to determine whether a medical provider or another party may be liable. Lebowitz & Mzhen, LLC represent clients in pharmacy error cases in Maryland and the surrounding areas. They seek to hold all responsible parties accountable for causing a victim’s injuries. To set up a free consultation with Lebowitz & Mzhen, LLC, call 1-800-654-1949 or fill out their online form.


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