Victims of a Maryland medication error may be able to recover financial compensation through filing a civil claim against the people and entities responsible for the medication error, such as a pharmacy or a medical provider. Filing a civil claim against those responsible (generally through a negligence claim) includes investigating,…
Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog
Filing a Maryland Negligence Claim After a Medication Error
Despite efforts to reduce medication errors in pharmacies and other medical settings, medication errors continue to occur all too frequently. If a person suffers an injury due to a medication error in Maryland, they may be able to obtain monetary compensation through a Maryland medication error lawsuit. Generally, a medication…
Burnout Among Pharmacists Increases Risk of Medical Errors for Maryland Patients
Medication errors continue to harm over one million people each year, and between 7,000 to 9,000 are killed each year in the U.S. due to a medication error. Maryland medication errors can occur in multiple care settings, including hospitals, pharmacies, and doctors’ offices. Researchers continue to investigate causes for medication…
Maryland Pauses Administration of Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
Maryland, along with every other state in the U.S., paused the use of Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine last week after six recipients of the vaccine in the country experienced a rare blood-clotting disorder. Over seven million people have received Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine in the United States so far.…
Patient Sent to Hospital After Methadone Dosage Error, Shining Light on the Risk for Maryland Pharmacy Errors
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Maryland residents may have found themselves relying more and more on pharmacists and local pharmacies, particularly as social distancing measures have limited the opportunities to speak with pharmacy staff and ask questions about prescriptions. Although many Maryland patients have been able to get the medication they…
Maryland Pharmacy Errors May Be Harmless, But They Could Also Be Fatal
Maryland pharmacy errors can range in their severity. Some may be harmless—a mistake is made when filling a prescription, but it does not really make a difference to or harm the patient. For example, the wrong version of a drug might be given, but the two drugs are substitutable. Or…
Maryland Pharmacists are Overworked and Understaffed, Leading to a Potential Increase in Pharmacy Errors
It is no surprise that the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a major toll on the United States’ health care system. All areas of the system—from hospitals to local clinics and even pharmacies—are struggling, as staff are overworked, underresourced, and overly stressed one year into the pandemic. Of particular concern to…
Recent Fatality Highlights the Potential Severity of Maryland Pharmacy Errors
Maryland pharmacy errors can lead to severe consequences for patients. Because prescription medications are often vital to a patient’s health and well being, pharmacy safety must be taken very seriously. When a pharmacy error occurs, patients may get sick or become injured, either because they took the wrong medication that…
The Role of Specialty Pharmacists in Preventing Maryland Pharmacy Errors
Most Maryland residents find themselves visiting a pharmacy at one point or another. Medications—whether continual or short-term—are a big part of many people’s health and well-being. And ideally, pharmacists and pharmacies help to keep Maryland patients safe and healthy. But sometimes mistakes are made, and these pharmacy errors can cause…
Maryland Patients Should Be on Look Out for Vaccine Errors
Medication errors occur all too frequently in the United States. They account for thousands of deaths each year throughout the country. They may be the result of negligent acts, such as failing to follow proper procedures, failing to communicate necessary information, and failing to verify the patient’s information, including any…