Each year, medicine and technology get more and more advanced, leading to improvements in the quality and delivery of health care across the country. Despite these improvements, however, errors still occur in health care delivery, particularly regarding pharmacy and medication. In fact, Maryland pharmacy errors occur frequently, jeopardizing the health…
Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog
Statutes of Limitations in Maryland Medication Error Cases
Victims of Maryland medication errors may be dealing with the stress of the injury, medical bills, and wage losses—and filing a Maryland medication error lawsuit may not be at the forefront of their minds. However, victims have to be careful not to wait too long, because it could be too…
What Were the Top Maryland Pharmacy Errors for 2020?
While the COVID-19 pandemic was understandably the most reported and challenging topic in medicine and healthcare during 2020 (and maybe for 2021, as well), it is important to remember that Maryland pharmacy errors—both COVID-19 related and not—have continued to occur with alarming rates. Pharmacy errors occur when some mistake is…
Wrongful Death Claims After a Maryland Medication Error
In the tragic event of a death after a medication error, the family of a Maryland medication error victim may be able to file a wrongful death claim against those responsible. Maryland’s wrongful death statute generally allows for a claim to be filed by a spouse, parent, or child of…
Potential Maryland Pharmacy Errors Involving Incorrect Covid-19 Vaccines
Vaccines are life-saving substances that can provide children and adults with protection against many serious diseases and illnesses. However, in some cases, errors or unintended side-effects can occur, leaving individuals with injuries or illnesses. If an adult or child suffers an injury following medication or vaccine, they may file a…
Could There Be Pharmacy Errors With Maryland’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout?
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted millions of lives across the world, nation, and the state of Maryland, but fortunately, vaccines are currently being distributed. As of January 15th of this year, approximately 12.2 million individuals have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. While the vaccine is a good…
Liability for Ineffective or Harmful Vaccines in Maryland
Although the COVID-19 is generally accepted to be safe, some people may still have adverse reactions to the vaccine. Like all vaccines, the vaccine still carries some risk of a Maryland medication error. The vaccine may have adverse side effects. It also will not be 100% effective for everyone, and…
Three Potential New Pharmacy Errors That May Affect Maryland Patients
While Maryland patients often trust their pharmacies to give them the correct prescription medication and dosage, pharmacy errors, unfortunately, do occur consistently throughout the state. These errors can take various forms—such as incorrect dosage or incorrect medication—can be harmless or cause severe injuries and illness. Currently, there are three known…
COVID-19 Vaccines Being Distributed in Maryland
Maryland is receiving nearly 200,000 vaccine doses that will go to front-line hospital workers, first responders, and long-term care facility residents and staff in the state. Some Maryland pharmacies are receiving shipments of the vaccine to administer to nursing home residents and staff through the CDC’s Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term…
Maryland Nursing Homes Must Continue to Protect Residents as COVID-19 Vaccines Roll Out
Many nursing home residents rightfully rejoiced this week as nursing homes began receiving vaccines for distribution. Long-term care facilities have suffered many of the COVID-19 deaths in the country. At least a third of COVID-19 deaths in the United States have been among residents and employees of nursing homes and…