
Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog


The Risk of Pharmacy Errors in Maryland Children’s Hospitals

For a parent, almost nothing is scarier than having your child be sick and in need of hospitalization. Unfortunately, parents across Maryland face this reality every day, relying on children’s hospitals and wards to protect their infants and children. Hospitals are supposed to keep their patients safe and take care…


Is There a Risk to Getting the Flu Shot in Maryland?

With flu season approaching, many individuals across Maryland are headed to get their flu shots to try and protect themselves, their families, and their communities. Indeed, getting a flu shot is typically one of the safest and healthiest things you can do. Unfortunately, however, getting any shot, including the flu…


Are Maryland Patients Who Take Zantac at Risk?

According to a national news report, several retailers and pharmacy chains are suspending the sale of Zantac, a popular heartburn medication. The decision was made after concerns arose that the drug may contain a substance that can cause cancer. The makers of the drug face a potential class-action lawsuit, and…


Are Patients Who Use Mail Order Pharmacies at Greater Risk for a Maryland Pharmacy Error?

Most people fill their prescriptions at a local pharmacy. However, over the past decade, more patients have begun to use mail-order pharmacies to fill their prescriptions. For many, mail-order pharmacies offer convenience and, for some patients, medication may be available at a lower cost. However, mail order pharmacies also present…


Maryland Product Liability Claims Involving Medical Devices

Many people’s lives are saved by state-of-the-art medical devices. Those that suffer from health conditions requiring medical devices often rely not only on their doctor’s advice, but also on the manufacturers that design and construct these devices. However, too many patients suffer injuries as a result of defects in these…


Maryland Pharmacies’ Failure to Warn Patients of Side Effects Can Result in Serious Injuries

When a patient picks up prescription medication from a pharmacy, they assume that the instructions given to them on the medication are correct, and that the medication won’t harm them. But unfortunately, far too many Maryland patients are harmed each year as a result of a pharmacy error. One common…


Statutes of Limitations in Maryland Medical Malpractice Claims

When someone is injured because of someone else’s negligent actions, Maryland law allows the victim to seek monetary compensation from the responsible party. Victims of car or truck accidents, slip and fall cases, or medical malpractice, for example, can bring a Maryland personal injury claim. However, these personal injury cases…


Punitive Damages in Maryland Pharmacy Error Cases

Recently, an appellate court issued an opinion addressing issues that frequently occur in Maryland pharmacy error lawsuits. The lawsuit stemmed from the tragic death of a woman who received the wrong medication from her pharmacy. Evidently, the woman was treated at a hospital for fluid buildup in her lungs. At…


Maryland Mail-Order Pharmacy Errors

Pharmacy errors frequently occur in retail pharmacies in Maryland and throughout the country. These errors are recognized as common, and experts are always coming up with new ways to reduce them. However, Maryland pharmacy errors involving mail-order prescriptions are infrequently discussed and they raise the very same concerns as retail…

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