Earlier this month, a local news article covered the story of a woman who suffers from what appear to be permanent symptoms related to an overdose of prescription epilepsy medication. According to the report, the woman was diagnosed with epilepsy years ago and wrestled with various treatments. Eventually, she was prescribed…
Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog
The Dangers of Pharmacy Errors Involving Opioid Medications
Over the past decade, the U.S. has seen a dramatic increase in the number of deaths as a result of opioid use and abuse. Indeed, according to the most recent government statistics, over 35,000 people die each year as a result of opioid overdoses. Roughly half of these deaths are…
Medication Errors, Although Under Reported, Are Still a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S.
Medical professionals, such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, are human, and as a result, it is expected that they will, on occasion, make mistakes. This does not mean that they are bad people or have a malicious intent behind their actions; the vast majority of medical errors are results of…
Medication Overdoses Caused by Prescription Errors
When a pharmacist gives a patient the wrong medication, or the incorrect dose of the proper medication, the patient can be put in great danger. The range of medical issues that can result from a Maryland pharmacy error is broad, but the most common problems that arise after a pharmacy…
Pre-Trial Settlements in Pharmacy Error Cases
When a pharmacist provides a patient with the wrong medication, and the patient suffers harm as a result of the pharmacist’s error, the patient may be entitled to monetary compensation though a Maryland pharmacy error lawsuit. However, while these cases seem to present straightforward and easily identifiable issues, in practice,…
The Importance of Adequate Warnings on Prescription Medications in Maryland
Manufacturers of pharmaceutical drugs – like other products – are responsible for the products they market and release to the public. Some drugs pose a serious health risk due to potential negative interactions with other commonly taken medications, other medications are easily abused and can lead to dependence or addiction,…
Recent Pharmacy Error Causes Patient “Horrendous” Symptoms
Prescription drugs are controlled by the government for good reason. For many drugs, it is because the active substance contained in the drug that can help cure a patient’s ailment may have a dangerous interaction when taken with a common medication. Other medications are controlled due to their sensitive dosage…
Major U.S. City Takes Steps to Reduce Pharmacy Errors
Maryland medical errors – including misfilled prescriptions – are one of the leading causes of death in the state and across the country. Indeed, a 2016 study by Johns Hopkins concluded that, if properly tracked, medical errors would be the third-leading cause of death in the United States. However, due…
Court Discusses Potential Scope of Liability Against Brand-Name Drug Manufacturer in Case Involving Generic Medication
Under Maryland product liability law, the manufacturer of a product has a duty to ensure that the product does not present any unreasonable risk of harm to the consumer when the product is used for its intended purpose. Additionally, product liability law also generally applies a blanket of strict liability…
Court Affirms Verdict in Favor of Doctor After Child Experiences Developmental Delays
Prescription errors can have lasting effects for Maryland patients. In a recent case, the parents of a two-month-old child brought a lawsuit against a doctor, alleging that the doctor improperly treated their child with the drug Reglan. According to the court’s opinion, the child was referred to the pediatric gastroenterologist…