
Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog


Elderly Woman Dies After Being Prescribed Three Times Her Actual Dose

Earlier this month in the United Kingdom, an 85-year-old woman died when she took medication that was given to her by her pharmacist that was three times her normal dose. According to a report by one local news source, the woman was prescribed a 25 mg dose of a common…


Firefighter Given Adderall Instead of Anti-Inflammatory Drug

Earlier last week in Tennessee, a firefighter went to pick up a prescription for an anti-inflammatory medication for shoulder pain and was instead provided Adderall, a medication used to treat the symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder. According to one local news report, the firefighter immediately noticed that his heart started…


Walgreen’s Pharmacy Error Causes Teen To Take Incorrect Prescription for a Month

Earlier this month in Michigan, a teenager’s family discovered that he had been taking the wrong prescription for almost a whole month after they noticed that his mood was off and his schoolwork declining. According to a report by one local news source, the teen was prescribed medication for his…


New Study Finds that Child Medication Errors Occur Every Eight Minutes

In a newly released study by Pediatrics, it is reported that there are an astronomical amount of child medication errors that are occurring outside the hospital setting. According to one article that summarized the report, there are almost 64,000 medication errors annually in the United States involving children under the…


British Columbia Woman Dies When Pharmacists Fail to Catch Dangerous Drug Combination

In a frightening case out of British Columbia, a 76-year-old, otherwise healthy woman died when she was prescribed two drugs that were known to have dangerous interactions. According to a report by one local news source, the error slipped past the physician, two pharmacists, and the computer system that tracks…


Pharmacist Overprescribes Blood-Thinner, Causing Man to Cough Up Blood

In a frightening case earlier last month out of New Zealand, a man needed to be hospitalized after he started to cough up blood due to a pharmacist’s error. The pharmacist responsible was actually hired from a temp agency that staffs short-term employees. According to one local news source, a…


Pharmacists Told To Keep Similarly Named Medications Away from Each Other

Pharmacists are charged with a very important duty in our society: to verify and fill prescriptions issued by physicians and to answer any patient questions that may arise. In addition, pharmacists are a second line of defense against physician error, checking prescriptions against other medications that the patient is taking.…


New Study Finds that Two-Thirds of Pharmacists Miss at Least 20% of Dispensing Errors

According to a study that was recently conducted in the United Kingdom, pharmacists miss errors in prescriptions in a frightening number of cases. According to a report by the Pharmaceutical Journal, the study results were unveiled at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society Annual Conference earlier this month. The study took 103…

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