
Six Precautions All Maryland Pharmacy Patients Should Take

Prescription medications are potent and potentially hazardous drugs that can cause serious illness or even death if not properly administered. While pharmacists are medical professionals who are required to obtain significant training and experience before they are allowed to serve customers, they are also human and subject to error. Because of this, Maryland patients should do all they can to reduce the chance of falling victim to a Maryland pharmacy error.

The duty to ensure that a patient receives the correct medication rests with the pharmacist. However, patients should not sit back and place complete trust in pharmacists, especially because several simple precautions can be taken to significantly reduce the chance of a Maryland medication mistake. By taking the precautions below, pharmacy patients can reduce the risk that they will become the victim of a Maryland pharmacy error.

  • Maintain a complete and accurate list of all medications: this list should be brought to all doctor’s appointments, as well as to the pharmacy when filling a prescription. Pharmacists should double-check the list a patient provides them with their records, and ensure that there are no two drugs with adverse interactions.
  • Dispose of unused medication: while it may be tempting to hold onto unused medicine, resist the urge. Keeping old medication around is dangerous because a patient may mistake one medication for another. Additionally, the beneficial properties of many prescription drugs wear off over time, reducing their effectiveness.
  • Do not mix prescription medication with over-the-counter supplements: over-the-counter supplements can have adverse reactions with some prescription medications. It is not uncommon for certain substances to increase or reduce the absorption of prescription medications, uncontrollably altering the amount of drug the body receives.
  • Know all the ingredients in commonly taken cold medicine: patients should be familiar with each of the ingredients in their go-to cold medicine. This ensures that patients are not unwittingly ingesting a dangerous cocktail of medications.
  • Do not double up doses, even after missing a dose: if a patient misses a dose, doubling up on the next dose only compounds the error. Taking too much of a prescription medication can result in an overdose. Rather than take a double dose, patients who miss a dose should contact their pharmacy for a consultation.
  • Do not store medication in the bathroom: the bathroom is perhaps the least temperate room in the house, with temperature and humidity fluctuating throughout the day. Many drugs are sensitive to moisture or heat, and medications should be kept in cool, dry areas, such as kitchen cabinets that are out of the reach of children.

Despite all the precautions in the world, some pharmacy errors are unavoidable. Patients who believe they have been the victim of a pharmacy error should consult with a dedicated Maryland personal injury attorney as soon as possible.

Contact an Experienced Maryland Pharmacy Error Law Firm

At the Maryland-based law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen, LLC we represent injury victims in all types of cases, including Maryland pharmacy error claims. We provide our clients with a unique form of client-centered representation that ensures we are on the same page as our clients and work to effectuate their goals. To learn more about how we can help you with your situation, call 410-654-3600 to schedule a free consultation today.

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