
A Tragic Pharmacy Error Turns into an Opportunity for Positive Change

By some estimates, medical errors are among the top three causes of death in the United States. While the classification of a medical error is broad, including surgical errors and medical malpractice, the classification also includes pharmacy errors. Indeed, there are tens of thousands of pharmacy errors each year, and this number is likely a gross underestimate because nearly all errors that do not result in serious injuries or death go unreported.

When pharmacy errors are reported, authorities take them very seriously. Indeed, a recent article discusses one pharmacist who was found guilty of reckless homicide and imprisoned for six months after an error he made resulted in a young girl’s death. While this is rare, it does happen because the law does not necessarily require intentional conduct to find someone guilty of a homicide.

According to a recent news report, the pharmacist who was responsible for the young girl’s death has tried to turn his life around with the help of a seemingly unlikely friend – the father of the girl who died from the pharmacist’s mistake. In the wake of his daughter’s death, the girl’s father decided that he did not believe the pharmacist intended to cause an error and that he wanted to do what he could to emotionally support the pharmacist while he was in jail. The two men became friends and have since begun to work together to help raise awareness around issues of pharmacy errors.

The two men tour across the country, advocating for a decrease in criminal charges when an error is made and also developing safer ways to run a pharmacy. Indeed, while the pharmacist was in jail, he requested that friends and family send him pharmacy journals so that he could stay abreast of the industry, even though he lost his license when he pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Recovering Damages After a Maryland Pharmacy Error

When a pharmacist makes an error that results in a patient’s injury, the patient or their family can pursue compensation for their injuries through a Maryland personal injury lawsuit. This is irrespective of whether the government pursues criminal charges against the pharmacist, and this case relies on a lower standard of proof. Anyone considering a pharmacy error claim should consult with a dedicated Maryland personal injury attorney to discuss their case.

Have You Been a Victim of a Pharmacy Error?

If you or a loved one has recently been a victim of a Maryland pharmacy error, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. The dedicated personal injury attorneys at the law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers have extensive experience representing victims and their families in pursuing compensation from those responsible for their injuries. We handle pharmacy error, medical malpractice, and wrongful death cases across Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. To learn more, and to speak with a dedicated personal injury attorney about your case, call 410-654-3600 to schedule your free consultation today.

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Medication Errors, Although Under Reported, Are Still a Leading Cause of Death in the U.S., Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog, March 1, 2018.

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