Earlier this month, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced a warning regarding the confusing packaging on the intravenous antibacterial drug Avycaz. According to one industry news source, the announcement was made after there were several reports of errors made in the dosing of the drug to patients. Evidently, the strength of the medication that was listed on the outside of the carton or vial was difficult to decipher for pharmacy personnel.
The confusion apparently arose because of the way that the label listed which substances were actually contained inside each package. Avycaz contains two active ingredients, ceftazidime and avibactam. The previous labels list each separate ingredient and its amount next to the drug’s name. For example Avycaz 2g/.5g means that the drug contained 2g of ceftazidime and .5g of avibactam. The new label will be more descriptive, explaining that the package contains a total of 2.5g of medication, which consists of 2g of ceftazidime and .5g of avibactam.
The Reported Errors
According to the article, there had been three reported errors since the drug’s approval back in February of this year. Two of the errors occurred as the drug was being prepared by the pharmacist, while the third arose due to the confusion in the language on the drug’s packaging. The FDA reported that at least one patient received and ingested a higher-than-prescribed dose, but there had been no adverse effects reported.
Pharmacy Errors Generally
This recent change in the labeling of Avycaz gives just a brief insight as to all the possible ways in which a pharmacy error can occur. To be sure, pharmacists have an immense amount of pressure to fill each and every prescription accurately, since if they don’t serious injury or death can result.
In cases where someone is seriously injured or killed as a result of a pharmacist’s mistake, that person or their family may be able to seek compensation for their injuries or loss. This compensation may come from the pharmacist individually and also from the pharmacy that employs them. To learn more about pharmacy errors, and how someone injured by a pharmacist’s mistake may be able to seek financial recovery, contact an experienced personal injury attorney.
Have You Been Injured by a Pharmacist’s Negligence?
If you or a loved one has recently been injured because you were provided the wrong dose of a prescribed medication or the wrong medication altogether, you may be entitled to monetary compensation. However, pharmacists and their employers are rarely willing to admit fault and offer reasonable and fair compensation without a fight. Therefore, the assistance of a dedicated Maryland pharmacy error attorney is advised to ensure that the courts understand the serious nature of your case. The skilled Maryland pharmacy error attorneys at the Maryland-based law firm of Lebowitz & Mzhen Personal Injury Lawyers have decades of experience bringing cases on behalf of injured Marylanders and know what it takes to be successful in Maryland courts. Call 410-654-3600 today to set up a free consultation.
More Blog Posts:
New Study Looks at Error Rates in Hospital Pharmacies, Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog, September 22, 2015.
Causes and Effects of Pharmacy Errors, Pharmacy Error Injury Lawyer Blog, August 14, 2015.