In a recent article from the New York Times that our Washington D.C. Pharmacy Error Injury Attorneys have been following, U.S. doctors who have written over four million nitroglycerin tablet prescriptions, the drugs frequently used to reduce chest pain and stop heart attacks, have recently discovered that a large percentage of the drugs that have been sold to patients have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (F.D.A.) for sale, safety, or effectiveness.
According to the article, many doctors have recently discovered that their patients were given unapproved heart medication tablets, and they are unable to know whether the patients have experienced suffering, or any unnecessary personal injury as a result of the unapproved drugs. Dr. Harry M. Lever from the Cleveland Clinic claimed that if angina patients took nitroglycerin tablets that were possibly ineffective or substandard, they may not experience a diminishing of the pain, and the heart problem could lead to a heart attack, or wrongful death.
Nitroglycerin is regularly prescribed for relieving chest pain that comes with coronary artery disease. When the tablet is placed under the tongue, the medicine dissolves into the bloodstream quickly and dilates the coronary artery, which can decrease blood pressure slightly and reduce the heart’s exertion. When patients take nitroglycerin at the first signs of chest pain, cardiologists claim that heart attacks can be prevented.
The F.D.A. sent letters last week to two major nitroglycerin drug makers, Konec Inc., and Glenmark Generics Inc., warning them that they must stop selling the unapproved drugs. Although the F.D.A. claims that it has not examined the quality of the unapproved nitroglycerin products in question, it does have documented problems of other nitroglycerin products in the past.